OK. Let me first start by saying that my thoughts have absolutely boiled over this post. What to say. How to compile the photos. The photos that capture such enjoyment. Such dedication. Such team spirit! I have played with the idea for video. For a slideshow. Is 68 photos a lot for one blog post?
I have yet to decide what is right or wrong to depict such a group of genuine, true and determined individuals. All I know is that this past Saturday made History! The Red Bull Flugtag Philadelphia was held at the Camden waterfront. A gorgeous September day with blue bird skies. A wonderful backdrop for such distinct detail.
Adam; the man who flew their Lobster to first place. Yea, he rode that Lobster!
Lobsters love Red Bull.
NKOTD official flag.
What a view huh?!
Color Guard spirit.
#1 !!!!!
Price is rising.. Get your winning T's!
It smells like Victory!
Follow these shirts... they lead to the after party!
Showing off the goods...
A beautiful sunset creates lovely silhouettes for a spectacular day!
I'm so pleased I was part of this day and their support group! What a way to bring it home to Philadelphia.
From the ride over the Ben Franklin Bridge, to the Pilots parking lot. This event was filled with team support and positive energy. Red Bull you surely put on a show! All in all the pictures tell this story. New Kids On The Dock flew their craft to first place. With creativity, uniqueness and strong will this team knocked the wings off of all their competitors! What will they come up with next?
Until then you can probably find them indulging in celebrations and Lobster skin.
Awesome recap! Thanks so much for being a part of the experience and cheering us on to victory!!